Calm is a Superpower Static Cling Decal

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$5.00 CAD
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$5.00 CAD
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2.25" x 2.25"

Calmness begins the moment you create a space between action and reaction. When you take a breath and choose not to allow people or events around to control your thoughts, you are able to tap into your inner power.

What you focus on grows - stop managing your time and start managing your focus. This affirmation sticker is here to help you take a pause and breathe before reacting to circumstances.

Place this affirmation in a spot where you will see it often and repeat, repeat, repeat.

Static clings are perfect for multiple surfaces such as glass, mirrors and plastic. They are removable and reusable and will not leave a residue.

Clean the surface, place the cling and press it down firmly.